The Dad Nation Podcast

The Dad Nation Podcast

Hosted by: Mitchell Osmond

Welcome to the DadNation Podcast with Mitchell Osmond. Join Mitchell and other industry experts and influencers, as they tackle the most challenging parts of being a man, a husband, and a father. This podcast is...

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Ep 040: Master Your Time & 10X Your Productivity with Ted Phaeton

Ted Phaeton is an Emmy Award-winning morning meteorologist, the host of 'The Modern Man Podcast' (a globally ranked top 2% podcast) a husband & father, with a passion for helping men unlock their full potential...
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Ep 039: The Rebel Mindset: Change your beliefs, change your life

Gentlemen: You're going to be glad you tuned in, because today I have a powerful conversation with Graham Cochrane. Graham is a successful entrepreneur, USA Today bestselling author, TedX speaker, and also the host of...
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Ep 038: Parenting Unplugged: Raising kids outdoors & unschooled

Eric Leidums is an online influencer that has been impacting thousands of people with his unconventional approach to parenting. His views on traditional education, the learning process and the value of the great...
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Ep 037: Marriage Q&A With the Osmond's - PART II

We're back for ROUND 2 y'all! My lovely bride Sam is joining me on this episode and we are answering your questions about marriage! If you haven't heard PART I yet, head back and listen to that one fist! Check out the...
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Ep 036: Marriage Q&A With the Osmonds - PART I

Today I've got a VERY special guest on the show - it's my beautiful wife, Sam Osmond! We've polled the entire Dad Nation and received some incredible questions. We talk about fighting, money, emotions, communication,...
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Ep 035: How to CRUSH your fitness goals in 2025 w/Adam Braud

Are you ready for 2025? Are you sick of making New Year's resolutions, only to give up after 30 days? Well today, I talk with Adam Braud (author, black belt, trainer, ultramarathoner, and the list goes on..) and we...
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Ep 034: How to keep your cool in marriage w/Jason Schnitzer

What does it look like to have healthy conflict in marriage? How do you fight well? Or fair? Today, I talk with Jason Schnitzer who is a men's relationship coach. We get into all things anger. How to prevent a blow...
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Ep: 033 Black Belt Boundaries: How Healthy Limits Create Stronger Families

Would you wake your kids up at midnight to finish the dishes?  Would you keep your kids off of social media until they are 18?  Ray Griffin is a 3rd Degree Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt, a serial entrepreneur and a...
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Ep 032: How to DITCH the DAD BOD

Are you sick of the dad bod? Today, I chop it up with Kevin Torres, a man who has helped thousands of busy dads lose weight and ditch the dad bod for good. Kevin has been featured in The Wallstreet Journal,
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Ep 031: ANGER and how to control it as men

Have you struggled with losing your cool? Have you ever wondered WHY you get mad?  Have you wondered why we turn to booze, drugs or media to bring some 'relief'? If so, you're gonna love this episode! This week I have...
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Ep 030: Overcoming a traumatic childhood & 5 key lessons in Fatherhood

Daniel Grose is an Instagram influencer that has had a childhood riddled with addiction, abuse, even murder. Despite his nightmare of a childhood, he chose a different path and is now spending his time inspiring dads...
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Ep 029: TESTOSTERONE: Why we are losing it and how to get it back with Mark Holman

Today, 40% of men have low testosterone 🤯🤯 The trajectory is not looking good. But why? What’s causing this ‘mandemic’? What’s causing such a decline in our T? 🧬 How can we boost it naturally? 📈 How do I know I know...
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