Ep 003: Interview with Adam Braud: How to get (and stay) consistent in your diet and exercise as a busy husband and father
In today's episode, I interview Adam Braud. He is a black belt in BJJ, an author, an ultramarathoner, a personal trainer, and a fitness coach to pastors. In this episode, we talk about why people find it so hard to stay on track with their diet and exercise.
Adam gives you 6 tips on how to get (and stay) consistent in your diet and your exercise, so you can get off the yo-yo diet for good! This one is packed with practical advice, so get ready to take notes!
Time Stamps:
- 1:50: Introduction
- 04:30: What was your turning point?
- 19:40: The food/fitness industry is polluted with good & bad opinions. What advice would you give to the busy dad who is overwhelmed and confused about where to begin?
- 30:30: What are 3 timeless tips can you give a husband/father around food & nutrition?
- 35:28: How much protein should I eat in a day?
- 53:30: What are 3 timeless tips you can give a husband/father around exercise/training?
- 1:12:05: What piece of advice would you give someone who is stuck in yo-yo dieting?
- 1:28:40: Where can we find you?