Ep 024: 10 questions that changed my life forever

There is a direct correlation between the quality of questions you ask, and the quality of answers you receive. But have you ever considered asking YOURSELF great questions? Like.. Life altering, trajectory-changing questions?

Over the course of my life in leadership and mentorship, I've been asked some of the most profound questions that have changed my life, my marriage and my parenting, and today, I'm going to share 10 of those questions with YOU. Friend, I know that if you really dig in to some of these, they will absolutely have a profound impact on how you think and how you live. 

Get ready. Grab a pen. Lean in. Listen intently, and most important, TAKE ACTION!





  • 1:30: Introduction
  • 2:05: The power of great questions
  • 4:00: Facing our fears as men
  • 5:50: Our fear of failure
  • 12:00: The 10 Questions that have changed my life